About Share Point And Wiki’s
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Classroom Cameras
By Adriana Noton
A normal Wiki application is a repository of technical information that is dedicated to a specific project. Wiki’s are a beneficial information repository that permits the development of shared knowledge in an easy to manage and access format. It permits the accumulation of shared knowledge in an easily managed and accessed format. A Wiki allows users to create customized web content and page using only a Web browser that allows users to edit and update the content Microsoft SharePoint gives users the ability to develop and share content through blogs and wiki’s.
When an organization use SharePoint Wiki’s, it is important to make sure that the information management policies and systems support the search of content and archiving. SharePoint works as an ideal repository for documents and also gives users the ability to manage complete projects and their related information through the use of pages dedicated to wiki’s. Users can create Wiki’s within a project and also provide a convenient location for discussion. SharePoint contains predefined templates for Wiki’s making them easy to create. There is no limit to the number of Wiki’s one can have which provides the advantage of creating both general and specialized topics.
Wiki’s often contain content and perspectives that are vital to external and internal enterprise communications. Just like all of the other web content generated by a company, wiki’s must be regarded as company records as they can lead to legal vulnerability. Because the wiki’s are considered official records created by a company, they must be included in the company’s governance policies and archived and included in eDiscovery processes. Because managing and archiving information for an extensive period of time can cause some problems, off-loading information from a SharePoint environment into a file-based open format is easy when using such products as ZyLAB’s SharePoint Bundle.
Create a SharePoint Wiki Site
1 In the far right corner, click ‘Site Actions.’
2. Select ‘Create’ from the drop down menu. 3. On the right, under Web pages, select ‘Sites and Workspaces.’ 4. Fill in the Title, Description and URL name. 5. Under Template Selection, click the ‘Collaboration tab’, and then select ‘Wiki Site.’ 6. Scroll down and click ‘Create’ on the bottom right. 7. Wait as the site is created
SharePoint is very beneficial for group collaboration projects, however, after the project completed, users may want to take the information out of SharePoint and store it in a sustainable and open format. With SharePoint, the information can be exported to an open file-based ZyLAB storage, indexed, and then made search-able. As well, with SharePoint, a company’s team can use a Wiki to gather and share ideas on a site quickly and there is no special Web design tools required. Team members can easily link to existing pages without having to deal with long Web addresses and create links to pages for someone else to finish creating at a later time. If your company has a difficult to use site or a site where information isn’t being put on there, you may want to consider SharePoint.
About the Author: Knowledge-worker components and tools to assist with Sharepoint Web Parts, Sharepoint Wiki, Calendar Web Part, Sharepoint Search & Sharepoint Calendar.
Source: isnare.com
Permanent Link: isnare.com/?aid=933542&ca=Computers+and+Technology
- More Detail Here:
- Classroom Cameras
By Adriana Noton
A normal Wiki application is a repository of technical information that is dedicated to a specific project. Wiki’s are a beneficial information repository that permits the development of shared knowledge in an easy to manage and access format. It permits the accumulation of shared knowledge in an easily managed and accessed format. A Wiki allows users to create customized web content and page using only a Web browser that allows users to edit and update the content Microsoft SharePoint gives users the ability to develop and share content through blogs and wiki’s.
When an organization use SharePoint Wiki’s, it is important to make sure that the information management policies and systems support the search of content and archiving. SharePoint works as an ideal repository for documents and also gives users the ability to manage complete projects and their related information through the use of pages dedicated to wiki’s. Users can create Wiki’s within a project and also provide a convenient location for discussion. SharePoint contains predefined templates for Wiki’s making them easy to create. There is no limit to the number of Wiki’s one can have which provides the advantage of creating both general and specialized topics.
Wiki’s often contain content and perspectives that are vital to external and internal enterprise communications. Just like all of the other web content generated by a company, wiki’s must be regarded as company records as they can lead to legal vulnerability. Because the wiki’s are considered official records created by a company, they must be included in the company’s governance policies and archived and included in eDiscovery processes. Because managing and archiving information for an extensive period of time can cause some problems, off-loading information from a SharePoint environment into a file-based open format is easy when using such products as ZyLAB’s SharePoint Bundle.
Create a SharePoint Wiki Site
1 In the far right corner, click ‘Site Actions.’
2. Select ‘Create’ from the drop down menu. 3. On the right, under Web pages, select ‘Sites and Workspaces.’ 4. Fill in the Title, Description and URL name. 5. Under Template Selection, click the ‘Collaboration tab’, and then select ‘Wiki Site.’ 6. Scroll down and click ‘Create’ on the bottom right. 7. Wait as the site is created
SharePoint is very beneficial for group collaboration projects, however, after the project completed, users may want to take the information out of SharePoint and store it in a sustainable and open format. With SharePoint, the information can be exported to an open file-based ZyLAB storage, indexed, and then made search-able. As well, with SharePoint, a company’s team can use a Wiki to gather and share ideas on a site quickly and there is no special Web design tools required. Team members can easily link to existing pages without having to deal with long Web addresses and create links to pages for someone else to finish creating at a later time. If your company has a difficult to use site or a site where information isn’t being put on there, you may want to consider SharePoint.
About the Author: Knowledge-worker components and tools to assist with Sharepoint Web Parts, Sharepoint Wiki, Calendar Web Part, Sharepoint Search & Sharepoint Calendar.
Source: isnare.com
Permanent Link: isnare.com/?aid=933542&ca=Computers+and+Technology