How To Jailbreak I Phone 4 And I Phones For Tmobile

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By Christopher Granger
It is fairly easy to jailbreak iphones for tmobile. You only need a nifty program called PwnageTool. You can actually look for this program on the internet. Another effective program for iPhonw unlocking is Redsn0w. This application will virtually do all the heavy stuff that you need to do and the software is actually pretty easy to use. It can actually do simple touch jailbreaks from old iPods and iPhones. The best thing is that the process of jailbreaking in various phones still has the same process.
First things first, you need to prepare your phones. If you are using in a new iPhone 4 then you do not have any problems. However, if you used jailbreak older version in your phone then you need to restore the original settings to the newer version. Once you restore that, you need to set your iTunes to restore iPhone to a better version. You do not have to set back the options to the previously jailbreaked phone. Once it is done, you can now start to jailbreak iphones for tmobile.
Once you get the Redsn0w program, which is found on its blog, you can open the program. You will view the screen there on the left side. Get the program that you will need and then install in your computer. After that, you need to Quit iTunes. Then, you need to choose the type of option that would apply to your jailbreak iphones for tmobile. The program would then cycle your iPhone to recovery mode and it would perform the settings for jailbreak. In around 50 seconds, your iPhone and touch phone would officially have the program. Once the process is done, you can now open up iTunes again and then set up as well as convert the device so that it will run fresh as if you bought it for the first time. When you go to your main screen, you will see that there would already be two icons. The first one is the Installer-based icon, which is actually the program that lets you install the program. There is also the web based icon which would set your jailbreak iphone 4 to the Redsn0w homepage.
Remember though that if you are going to use your iPhone, never revert the old settings since that would also remove your jailbreak. Aside from that, if you have already jailbreak iphone 4 before then you do not have to run the program again, yet, if you using the old version of the program which is 1.1.3 then you can use the Redsn0w version so that you can fix the Google Maps GPS problem. The new version of the program and the latest firmware would really help some of your programs. You can also try to install new programs in order to test if the settings are working properly of if there is an incompatibility with jailbreak and with your other programs. That is actually all that you need to do in order to jailbreak iphone 4, you do not have to do anything else such as open your iPod or something foolish like installing hundreds of programs.
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