Where To Hide Your Hidden Camera?

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By Dan Crane
People like to observe and watch what’s going on when they’re away. For security purposes or just to satisfy their desire to spy. Many want to discover what their spouse is doing at home alone or how a babysitter is taking care of the baby when both parents are working.
These people sometimes get confused and don’t even know where to hide their cameras in the house. Which area is safest (meaning that the camera won’t be spotted)? Which place people wouldn’t want to look at and so on.
Below, we’ll try to look at some of the best places in the house where one would want to hide his or her spy camera in order to observe and record various activities in the area.
Hiding Spy Camera in a Bedroom
If a person is concerned whether the spouse is cheating or not, the most obvious place to install a hidden camera would be in a bedroom.
But which place in a bedroom would be best to put the hidden cam?
Nightstand – Ok, most bedroom have nightstands, right. So one of the best places to put a hidden camera into would be a nightstand, behind some regular object, like a clock or radio. You could get a hidden camera already built into a clock and put it right on the nightstand.
Curtain-Rod – Another place could be a curtain-rod. If you can get a tiny spy camera, which is barely seen from a 10 feet distance, you could mount it on the top of the curtain or curtain-rod. You could get much better viewing angle and record everything without much trouble.
TV Set – Many people have TV’s in bedrooms. So putting a tiny camera near the TV or on top of TV would be a good idea. Of course, the spy camera should be hidden and not look like a spy camera.
PC – Some people have PC’s in their bedrooms. One could simply replace the regular speakers with new ones, which already have a spy camera installed and perform secret surveillance this way.
Book Shelf – Placing a hidden camera in a book shelf might be a good idea. Especially when the hidden camera is in a shape of the book.
Placing a Hidden Camera in a Living Room
Teddy Bear – Many people have all kinds of plush toys. It’s possible to simply take one and put a camera inside.
Toy Cars – If there are any toy cars in the living room or any other room, you could put a small micro camera into that toy and spy on the others.
Mirrors – You could buy a two-sided mirror and put a spy camera there. Otherwise, it’s possible to buy a mirror with a hidden camera built inside already.
Lamps – You could take one light bulb or lamp out and put a spy camera inside. Then put the light back and start surveillance. Just make sure than someone doesn’t try to repair it.
Flowers – You could put a small camera inside a flower pot and put it on a windowsill for instance. If you have some flowers in the living room or plants, this won’t look odd.
Switches – Tiny cameras could be placed into light switches. Some light switches have covers, which help mask the spy camera’s lenses.
Placing a Hidden Camera in a Kitchen
Lastly, you might want to put a spy camera in the kitchen. This wouldn’t look suspicious if you put a clock in the kitchen somewhere.
There are already designed spy cameras that look like coffee mugs. Could you find a better place for such item other than kitchen?
Lastly, you could get one of those wearable spy cameras and put it wherever you want. Bedroom, living room, kitchen or office room. Nowhere such item will look suspicious. They can be pens, glasses, lighters, cell phones etc.
About the Author: Would You like to learn more about those hidden cameras that you’ve just read about? Or maybe a listening device to record conversations is what you want?
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