Woman Loses 32 Lbs. In 40 Days With Gastric Bypass Hypnosis

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Woman Loses 32 lbs. in 40 days with Gastric Bypass Hypnosis
Debra Graugnard
Here is my final update on Rena Greenberg`s Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery program.
It has been about forty days since I first underwent the surgery. For those of you who haven`t read my previous columns on the subject, I`ll give you a brief summary.
Rena Greenberg, a certified hypnotherapist (and author, among other things) created a hypnosis program that makes the patient feel as if they actually underwent the invasive gastric bypass surgery. Their stomachs feel smaller, they eat less, and so on. I decided to try the program for thirty days because it sounded too good to be true.
It`s not. I began the program about 40 days ago. To date, I`ve lost 32 pounds. That`s a helluva lot of weight to lose in less than two months. My stomach does feel a lot smaller and I cannot eat anywhere near as much as I used to.
When I serve myself, my servings literally look like they were portioned for a four-year-old kid. And on the couple of occasions where I allowed myself one more bite even though I didn`t really feel hungry, I felt as if I had eaten at Golden Corral – -stuffed like a Thanksgiving tur-kay.
I would say that 99 percent of the time I am completely satisfied with childlike portions. As I stated earlier, there have been about two or three times in the past several weeks when the fatty in me demanded an extra spoonful of pork and beans (or hummus, or couscous, or whatever) and after swallowing that bite, I wanted to kill myself and immediately had to go for a walk. I felt as if I had eaten two large pizzas and a meatball sub.
So, does the program work? Absolutely. At least it did for me. I can`t even fathom eating the way I used to eat. Even the thought of pigging out repulses me.
To give you an example, before the program, I could easily scarf down a foot long steak sub and then some. You know what I do now? I ask the submaster to cut the foot long into three pieces and I eat only one of the sections and I give the other two to my kids as snacks (they`re teenagers; they`re allowed).
I have to say that I was surprised; I really did not expect the program to work; especially on me. I tend to be a bit hardheaded.
I should also say that I was not as faithful about listening to the reinforcement CD as I should have been. Greenberg had advised me that the reinforcement was crucial. So maybe I would have lost more weight by now -who knows?
Either way, I honestly believe that hypnosis is an excellent organic, non-invasive method to losing weight, and Greenberg`s program proves it.
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Rena Greenberg is CEO and Founder of EasyWillpower.com offers
Private Hypnosis Sessions, Weight Loss
Stop Smoking Seminars, Gastric Bypass Hypnotherapy,
at home programs for
Weight Loss, Stop Smoking, Self-Esteem, Stress Reduction, Pain Control and Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery
and a unique liquid herbal formula for weight loss and energy: Slender Cider
Rena Greenberg ( EasyWillpower.com ) is the Author of The Right Weigh (Hay House Publishing) and The Craving Cure (McGraw-Hill) and has helped over 100,000 people to lose weight and stop smoking. Rena`s wellness program has been reviewed and sponsored by over 75 hospitals and offered in 100+ corporations such as AT&T and Walt Disney World. Rena`s success has been featured in over 100 newspaper and television stories on NBC-TV, ABC-TV, FOX-TV and CBS-TV and Women`s World Magazine.
About Author:
We all have turning points in life. It was 1987 and I was just about to graduate from college. I was living a fun but very full life full-time student working 30 hours/week at a bank, hitting every 2 for 1 meal special in town yes, the standard American college student diet and partying whenever I could fit it in! (and I always could who needed sleep?). More information please visit site bypassgastricbypass.com
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